Thursday, August 21, 2008

Women Set to Raise a Little Hell In Denver

Quote of the Day

"This passion won't go away. Obama and McCain will have to answer to the women of America. .

[W]e will always believe that Hillary would have made an incredible President, but when I say the passion won't go away, I mean the passion for getting real healthcare that covers everyone will not go away. I mean the passion for ensuring that we have a fair political process, that is welcoming of all voices and all ages, won't go away. I mean the passion for equal representation for 51% of the population in the halls of Congress and state capitols across our country won't go away. That is what WomenCount was launched to fight for."

In an article entitled Hillary's Hellions, the New York Post reports on some of the plans that some of the recently formed women's groups have in store for next week's Democratic National Convention in Denver. Women sure are busy these days. Hillary, what have you done?

1) Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton will "headline an event hosted by WomenCount and the group will "relaunch" in Denver "as a ' for women's issues and ideas.'"

2) Just Say No Deal "has rented a multimedia loft for 'Democratic bloggers who chose not to fall in line' and support Obama. . Sunday night, it will host an event to air a documentary, 'The Audacity of Democracy,' which chronicles" the undemocratic primary behavior of the Democratic National Committee.

3) The Denver Group "has acquired two time slots to air TV ads reminding delegates and superdelegates of their rights and responsibilities and to 'make clear what the consequences may very well be for the Democratic Party if they do not.'"

4) 18 Million Voices "will put the spotlight on Clinton when its members march in Denver to celebrate her candidacy."

5) It's not mentioned in the Post, but Puma PAC and The Rise will hold an event to commemorate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s historic presidential campaign on August 25th: Beautiful Protest and Rise. The event will take place in downtown Denver’s Cheesman Park.

Bring candles!!!

6) Also, there will be Women's Equality Day celebrations all over the country starting this weekend, so check your local news and we'd love to hear all about it here at TGW.

And there's your news of women's subversive work for the day.