Time is running out for Obama's VP pick. The word is it may happen today, or tomorrow. So, here's your round-up of the latest predictions.
Pick Hillary or Lose
Beginning with my personal favorite, Ralph Nader predicts Barack has finally seen the light and will pick Hillary. As to the rumors that Obama will choose Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, or Tim Kaine, Ralph says, "I don't think he's that dumb."
According to Nader’s logic, Obama may dislike Hillary, but will conclude he has no choice but to get over it if he hopes to leave next week’s convention in Denver with a unified party and a decent shot against John McCain in the fall.
But hey what does Ralph Nader know? Twenty-eight percent of Hillary's primary voters still say no way Obama. Hillary is the number one preference of delegates to the Democratic convention, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll of said delegates. CNN's poll of polls reports that Obama's lead has been cut in half, and most polls show McCain and Obama in a dead heat. Major Obamabot David Gergen is stressing on CNN about Obama's apparent inability to fight like Hillary Clinton. Gergen, who rarely had a kind word for Hillary during the primary, now thinks "Hillary Clinton looks better and better," because "He definitely needs a fighter by his side."
You, and the netroots, should have thought of that sooner, Gergen.
Any White Male Will Do
But most pundits continue to grow faint at the thought of Vice President Hillary and predict that Obama will go for the traditional boring white male. Probably Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, or Tim Kaine. Kathleen Sebelius is still on the list, but for some reason, the pundits rarely rate the woman as a likely pick. Color us so surprised.
Joe Biden Because He Will Say Anything to Win
Howard Fineman and an army of his media brothers agree that Joe Biden is the 'clear front-runner.' Somehow that seems appropriate. Biden is the man who led the committee of 14 white men who skewered Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings. The 14 men attacked Anita Hill with every sexist stereotype in the book to determine if she was moral enough to bring down a brother.
It was like Hillary on the debate stage. Yet another instance of the black and white brotherhood united against the lone woman, only that time the woman was black. By the time the men were through with the bitch, her reputation was shot, and Clarence Thomas had a lifetime gig. Now that's unity. Obama/Biden 2008! Brothers forever! Yeah, I can see it.
And then "there's the history of saying insane and inappropriate things and, you know, the plagiarism." Gawker has an impressive list of those insane and inappropriate things.
Obama and his running mate will create a media blitz over the weekend by appearing together Saturday, in Springfield, Ill. Oh, and Michael Moore says Obama should pick Caroline Kennedy! Cause what's experience got to do with anything?
Barack Obama Vice President Hillary Clinton Feminist News Gender Biden Male Dominated Politics VP Predictions