Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama Buttons For Sale on the Streets of Berlin

From The Guardian: Look what you can buy on the streets of Berlin this evening. . That's right, it's a badge showing the three most popular things in Germany: Barack Obama, beer, and lederhosen.

Also of interest from across the pond - He ventured forth to bring light to the world:

In the great Battles of Caucus and Primary he smote the conniving Hillary, wife of the deposed King Bill the Priapic and their barbarian hordes of Working Class Whites. As word spread throughout the land about the Child's wondrous works, peoples from all over flocked to hear him; Hittites and Abbasids; Obamacons and McCainiacs; Cameroonians and Blairites. . . And they told of strange and wondrous things that greeted the news of the Child's journey. Around the world, global temperatures began to decline, and the ocean levels fell and the great warming was over.

Oh, and I finally figured out why we heard those "Yes, We Can" chanters in Berlin. Barack Obama brought 700 aides to Berlin!! Seven hundred!!