Tuesday, May 13, 2008

WVA Primary: Obama Loses & Biased Pundits Cry Boo-hoo

Well, the pundits will be in fine furious mode today. The Precious is set to lose West Virginia and in a very big way. I know you will be thrilled to hear that Olbermann, Matthews, Russert and all the other Hillary-hating pundits will be covering the event.

The mostly male pundits will be discussing important questions like: Why the hell won't the bitch quit? How many times do we have to tell her it's ovah? The best bet for a relatively calm evening is Fox News.

I haven't even had my morning coffee and already Chris Matthews is bashing me and all the other women who support Hillary. For once in his life, Matthews got it right when he said we are angry. But then he lost it and his misogyny came into full view when he observed that maybe women support Hillary because our lives aren't that great, maybe we support Hillary because we have 'failed marriages,' maybe we have money problems. Because if we support Hillary Rodham Clinton, and we are women, there is something wrong with us!

Never mind that she actually has a thick resume and is the best qualified candidate. What torments Chris Matthews is gender. If elected, President Hillary Rodham Clinton would elevate the shockingly dismal status of women and girls in this cowboy country. A President Hillary Rodham Clinton would go a long way toward countering the prevailing frat boy attitude that girls and women are here for the primary purpose of being sexually available and standing behind some not so great men. Women might even get to be the pundits. That alone scares the beejezus out of our frat boy pundits. It could forever ruin their careers.

Some 60 percent of white women support Hillary. That is one hell of a lot of women with failed marriages and unhappy lives. Asian and Hispanic women support her. Hillary also pulls in the most Catholic voters, Hispanic voters and blue-collar workers, and seniors. Will Chris be bashing these groups too? Or does the misogynist save his best stuff for the little women?

I'll add the video and/or transcript when it becomes available.

I don't know what happened to Anderson Cooper last night. The Obama devotee actually stopped talking about race and class for a moment.

Yeah, Anderson Cooper talked about gender, and it was like that Mother's Day commercial -- women all over the country fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"It's not over until the lady in the pants suit says it is."

Newsweek: "With their man at the helm, Obamaniacs are more than ready to "unite" with Clintonistas. But the reverse still isn't true. As Kenneth P. Vogel wrote yesterday in the Politico, "the legions of Clinton backers still investing their cash, energy and emotion into her faltering bid for the Democratic presidential nomination seem driven not by the reasonable expectation that she can beat Barack Obama, but by the emotional desire to see her through to the end of voting and stick it to those who have already written her off."
LA Times: In West Virginia, women for Hillary Clinton haven't (quite) given up the dream - "Plenty of voters said they would vote for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) -- or not at all -- if Clinton's name wasn't on the November ballot."Plenty of voters said they would vote for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) -- or not at all -- if Clinton's name wasn't on the November ballot."
Politico: Can the sisterhood save Hillary?