Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why This Woman Will Not Vote for Barack Obama

In case you missed it, Violet Socks over at Reclusive Leftist said it best:

Why I will not vote for Obama even if he’s the nominee — and why you shouldn’t either:

[T]he Obamabots don’t seem to understand. And I know why: it’s because they don’t take sexism seriously. When women say we will not reward misogyny, we’re laughed off. The Obamabots just tell more jokes and hurl more insults and write more crass articles about how the little lay-dees have their little pan-tees in a twist.

The only “ism” the Obamabots take seriously is racism. So I’m going to try to explain the situation in terms they’ll understand, using a racial analogy.

Imagine this scenario:
The shoe is on the other foot, and Obama, not Hillary, is the punching bag of the media — a media that is blatantly and unapologetically racist. And I do mean blatant. Jokes every night on the cable news shows about Obama’s hair and his fondness for fried chicken. Pundits laughing about what a problem uppity Negroes are.

Across the country, racists openly ridicule Obama and his candidacy. In mainstream stores there are gag gifts playing on racist themes: maybe a (water)Melon Baller with Obama’s head on the handle, maybe a Barack Obama Shoeshine Set — you get the picture. 501c groups invoke the most grotesque racist slurs with their advertising; T-shirts say “Quit Running for President and Shine My Shoes!” Anybody who protests is branded a fool and a spoilsport. . .

Hillary goes out of her way to say how much she admires and respects those Republicans who don’t think African-Americans should have the right to vote. She says judges with a record of opposing voting rights are good candidates for the nation’s benches — even the Supreme Court. . . And the Democratic Party goes along with all this, pushing Hillary as the nominee, ignoring the anger of African-American voters, smugly assuming that they’ll “come back to the fold” by November. After all, say the pundits and the Blogger Boyz, where else are they going to go? The Republicans are even worse.

If Barack Obama and his supporters become the new Democratic party, then the Democratic party will no longer be the party of women’s rights. . .All the sexism of this campaign will be rewarded instead of repudiated. And that Democratic party will not deserve my vote.

Go on, Democrats, try to get elected without me. . . . read more

Chris Matthews: How Do You Get those Visceral Women to Vote for Obama? (Video)
West Virginia: 59% of Hillary Voters Will NOT Vote for Obama
Mad as Hell About the Misogyny & the Anti-Feminist Rage Against Hillary (Video)
Why there Are So Few Women in American Politics: The Misogyny (Video)