Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why Do Obama-manians Sound Just Like Rightwingers and Corporate Media?

Here's Hillary, on the cover of the lefty New Republic, masculinized and morphed into Obama-Man because doing the reverse, or feminizing Barack, would be such a total insult to Obama-Man. And probably racist.

The New Republic doesn't intend to be sexist -- anymore than do many of the right wing and Elite Progressive Bloggers (and their followers) who construct screaming Billary headlines and/or graphics -- but obviously they are sexist.

TNR's cover graphic is captioned with the words: We Have to Choose One. Had TNR chosen to feature an overtly feminized image of Obama on its cover, rather than a decidedly masculinized Hillary in its blending of the two, it would have been a grievous insult to Obama, and all mankind.

Being portrayed as feminine is an insult that is taken seriously by all men who are out to prove their masculinity. And isn't that really what presidential politics is all about? Femininity is the negative to the positive of masculinity. Obviously, masculinizing ambitious women is an insult to all women, but it is regarded as a lesser insult, and we are so fucking used to it because women who challenge the prevailing gender norms are always despised and ridiculed in America. Because this is misogyny as we know it in America.

"Republicans are more eager to see Clinton drop out rather than Obama. Forty-one percent (41%) of GOP voters say the former First Lady should withdraw while just 24% say the same about the Senator from Illinois."

But she won't quit because she's intent upon her "mad pursuit of power," says kos.

Isn't it remarkable how much the right wing has in common with certain progressive bloggers? Isn't it remarkable how much the right wing and corporate attack machines sound exactly like Obama-manians?

Do send them all a sympathy card because, as TIME Magazine reports: "Hillary Clinton is under a lot of pressure these days, but in a Tuesday interview she seemed cheery, confident and unapologetic as she talked about her determination to fight on in the presidential race."

"My family is not big on quitting," says Bill Clinton

Big Tent Democrat: "The Clinton campaign realizes that no matter what they do, they will be declared evil. They realize that no matter what Obama does, he will be declared a saint.. For all those in the Media and in the Left blogs deploring the negativity of the campaign, I suggest they look in the mirror for the main culprits."