Sunday, January 06, 2008

But Will they Like Obama the Morning After? (Hillary's Likability Video)

So New Hampshire voters believe that Hillary is the most experienced and the most electable of the Democratic candidates, but they like Obama better. Good thing it's only a popularity contest. (Yeah, the poll appears to include Republicans.)

But will they like seductive Obama the morning after? Or will they like the sweet talkin' man if he actually becomes the Democratic nominee?

Give it time folks -- only give the Republicans time to do their stuff.

Already, Obama's unfavorable ratings have surged to 51% (all voters nationwide) -- that's an unfavorable rating higher than Hillary's. But among only Democrats -- "Clinton is viewed favorably by 80% of Democratic voters, Edwards by 66%, and Obama by 61%."

Hillary and the Likability Contest - the New Hampshire Debate

via eriposte: "When Sen. Clinton graciously said Sen. Obama is very likable, Sen. Obama had a derisive response - 'you're likable enough, Hillary' (watch the video to see what I mean). This of course follows his recent dig about her having tea with ambassadors."

Republicans in the Obama fan club include George F. Will.

More on "the debate moment" later.