Quote of the Day
"Look, I’m not going to demean myself by getting into a back and forth with somebody who on TV spews venom, hate and fundamental misinformation. . . As I said, it’s beneath me, it’s beneath my office, to, in any way, involve myself with Lou Dobbs. And I think his knowing spread of venom is beneath CNN as well."
Ever since Governor Spitzer proposed a plan to give drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants, the ever-furious and always-enraged Lou Dobbs has been directing his nightly blood-vessel-bursting tirades at the New York Governor:
Dobbs has made Spitzer an almost daily target over his recent plan to ease restrictions on illegal immigrants seeking New York state driver's licenses, mixing vitriol with sarcasm while endlessly lambasting the governor's decision.
Dobbs' ire boiled over Tuesday night when he ripped Spitzer as an idiot — and then offered an on-air mea culpa.
"I'm the idiot," Dobbs said. "Governor, I apologize for calling you one. Your policies are idiotic. But I have to apologize for calling you an idiot."
…..And sure enough, 24 hours after his "idiot" apology, Dobbs was again taking shots at Spitzer. "This governor is irresponsible," Dobbs told his audience. "It's clear arrogance. ... He has declared himself to be what people hoped he would not be — and that is an arrogant tool of special interests."
The "Lou Dobbs Hates Immigrants" show is on as I write and guess what? Lou Dobbs is enraged. The red-faced Republican promises to respond to, or scream at, "Prince Elliot" before the show ends. And they say we have a problem with civility here on the Internets. But seriously, the constant rage of Lou Dobbs scares me. If he doesn't calm down, I fear he's going to have a heart attack on the air.
Transcript and video at Crooks and Liars
Elliot Spitzer Lou Dobbs New York Governor CNN Politics News Immigrants Racism Undocumented Workers Drivers License