In an article titled, Run, Al, Run, Christopher Hitchens asserts that Al Gore will almost certainly win the Nobel Peace Prize.
And then, and only then, will the beloved statesman make up his mind about a bid for the presidency.
Hitchens says he has informed sources. I take back every mean thing I ever said about Christopher Hitchens.
On Oct. 12, we shall hear again from Oslo, and I will be very surprised indeed if the peace prize is not awarded to Albert Gore Jr. . . .
Several people, some of them well-informed, have been saying to me that Gore will wait until the Nobel committee's announcement before he makes up his mind. Should he make up his mind to run, he could alter the entire equation. . . [I]f it takes a Scandinavian kick-start to alter the odds, then for once one can hope that the heirs of Alfred Nobel will have a more explosive and catalytic effect than they had intended.
Send your pleas to: The Office of the Honorable Al Gore, 2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.
Al Gore News President Gore 2008 Politics Democratic Candidate Tennessee Run Al Run Climate Crisis Nobel Peace Prize