Friday, September 28, 2007

Letterman Compares Bush to Iran's Ahmadinejad

David Letterman jokes about a resemblance between Bush the Commander Guy and Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Presumably Letterman thinks both of these jerks are despised presidents who ignore the will of the people in order to do whatever they damn well please.

Will Congress pass a resolution condemning Letterman?

Raw Story:

David Letterman on Thursday announced a segment on "George Bush vs. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad," promising also that each joke "will be punctuated with a ridiculous sound effect."

..[S]ome of the more interesting comparisons:

"Ahmadinejad: Member of the Islamic Society of Engineers.
Bush: Member of the Chuck Norris fan club."

"Ahmadinejad: Speaks in broken, hard-to-understand English.
Bush: Speaks in broken, hard-to-understand English."

"Ahmadinejad: Holocaust denier.
Bush: Global warning denier."

And finally, "Ahmadinejad: Underlings refer to him as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Bush: Underlings refer to him as 'President Numbnuts.'"

Raw Story has the David Letterman video clip.