Bush's former secretary of state Colin L. Powell is advising Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama. On Meet the Press yesterday, Powell was asked if he would support a Republican presidential candidate. Powell refused to say!
The former GOP secretary of state said, "I'm going to support the best person that I can find who will lead this country for the eight years beginning in January of 2009."
Signing on with Bush was probably the biggest mistake this man ever made. Since the Republican candidates are nothing more than a bunch of Bush clones, why would Powell support any of them? It appears that Powell may have moved on to the point where he will put loyalty to the country above loyalty to the trainwreck that calls itself the Republican Party.
The former secretary of state Colin L. Powell said that the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq and that he would shut down the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, and he would do it yesterday.
"Essentially, we have shaken the belief that the world had in America's justice system by keeping a place like Guantanamo open and creating things like a military commission," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
See the video at The Democratic Daily. [via]
News Politics Obama Bush 2008 Colin Powell Guantanamo Iraq Meet the Press