Who would vote against a bill that would expunge the record of people like Rosa Parks for crimes like sitting in front of the bus?
Every single one of the six legislators who voted against the Tennessee Rosa Parks Act is a Republican.
The Rosa Parks Act "would allow people charged with a misdemeanor or felony while challenging old segregation laws to have their records expunged."
The bill passed unanimously in the Senate. In the House, it passed by a vote of 88-6.
Here are the six guilty Republicans:
• Rep. Kevin Brooks, R-Cleveland (rep.Kevin.brooks@legislature.state.tn.us)
• Rep. Stacey Campfield, R-Knoxville (rep.Stacey.campfield@legislature.state.tn.us)
• Rep. Chris Crider, R-Milan (rep.chris.crider@legislature.state.tn.us)
• Rep. Bill Dunn, R-Knoxville (rep.bill.dunn@legislature.state.tn.us)
• Rep. Joey Hensley, R-Hohenwald (rep.joey.Hensley@legislature.state.tn.us)
• Rep. Donna Rowland, R-Murfreesboro (rep.donna.Rowland@legislature.state.tn.us)
Also see: Rep. Campfield, the TN Black Panthers, & Angry Rep. Rowland
Rosa Parks Act Campfield Bill Dunn Politics Donna Rowland Tennessee News Race Black News