Tell Congress To Grow a Spine and Stop the Endless Bush War
Via MoveOn.org:
Tell your Member of Congress to vote NO on the Iraq supplemental this week. The American people voted to end the war - no more blank checks for Bush.
"Democrats 'Back Down' and 'Capitulate' on troop withdrawal deadlines, "abandoning their top goal of bringing U.S. troops home," and handing President Bush a 'blank check,' while taking "another step toward endless war.'"
Edwards and Dodd urge Congress to Stand up to Bush:
Edwards told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City today that the current war-funding bill is a "capitulation" to President Bush, since it does not include a timetable to begin a troop withdrawal.
"Congress should send the president the same bill he vetoed again and again until he realizes he has no choice but to start bringing our troops home," Edwards said. "We need to get out of Iraq on our own timetable, not when we are forced to do so by events."
On Wednesday Dodd announced that he will vote against the measure, calling it another "blank check" for the president. "Half measures and equivocations are not going to change our course in Iraq," said Dodd. "If we are serious about ending the war, Congress must stand up to this president's failed policy now -- with clarity and conviction."
Iraq Troop Withdrawal Timetable Democratic Congress News Politics Bush Iraq Supplemental