VP Cheney snubs daughter Mary for baby photo-op - Page One Q
Tough, Strong, Rational. Just Don’t Mention Ferrets. - The Heretik
Online Chatter Grows for Gore -- The Left Coaster
Crying Over Spilled Semen -- Psychology Today
Is Carl Bernstein a Sexist? -- TalkLeft
Fitzgerald wants Libby to get three years -- The Sideshow
High Number of Moms Admit Pot Use -- Drug WarRant
We are all in it together, Clinton says -- Yahoo
Fitzgerald Confirms Plame Was ‘Covert’ at Time of Leak -- The Democratic Daily
Bush Calls Attacks on Immigration Bill ‘Empty Political Rhetoric’ -- NY Times
Reviews On Obama and Edwards' Health Care Plans -- TPM Cafe
US rejects all proposals on climate change -- The Guardian
‘Put Everything’ Behind Escalation So We Can Bomb Iran and Syria -- Think Progress
An open letter to Cindy Sheehan, from the administrator of Democratic Underground - DU
"Enhanced interrogation", the Bush administration's preferred newspeak for torture, appears to have been coined by the Nazi Party in the 1937. - Josh Marshall
Women’s inferiority – in fact, their malevolence — is as ingrained in American popular culture as it is anywhere they’re sporting burkhas. -- Whedonesque
The Rude Pundit To Teach at Bonnaroo:
So, like, the Rude Pundit will be teaching activist theatre classes each morning of the big ass Bonnaroo Music Festival in Tennessee, June 15-17. -- The Rude Pundit
Congressman Cohen Seeks Formal Apology for Slavery -- Memphis Commercial Appeal
Sen. Ophelia Ford Refuses to Go to Rehab -- Eyewitness News, ABC
Out-of-State White Supremacists Invade Knoxville, Tennessee -- Nashville is Talking
Neighbors dread Bible Park in Murfreesboro, Tennessee -- The Tennessean
Race Gender Gay Gore Bush News Feminist Politics Tennessee Steve Cohen