Friday, January 26, 2007

Al Gore... Keeping the Dream Alive

"He's going to run, and he's going to be formidable. If he didn't run, I'd be shocked." -- James Carville on Al Gore, in the current issue of Rolling Stone

Once again, Rolling Stone has a very nice piece on Al Gore. It can be summed up in three words:

Run, Al, Run!

Maybe I just have a craving for a leader who is the Anti-Bush, or maybe I'd like to see what this country would look like if it was led by someone who cares about something bigger than himself. Or maybe I simply need closure, but dammit I wish Al would come back and take what he already won.

With An Inconvenient Truth pulling in two Oscar nominations, we'll soon be seeing lots more of him.

Here's an excerpt from Rolling Stone:

"Eli Pariser calls Gore "a close friend of MoveOn," and Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKos, is equally unabashed in his support. "More than any other Democrat over the last four years, Gore has actually delivered," says Moulitsas, one of the Internet's most influential organizers. "If Gore enters the race, it's his nomination for the taking." In an online poll of 14,000 activists held in December by DailyKos, sixty percent voted for Gore. By comparison, Clinton received just 292 votes."

"We've seen the real Al Gore," says Moulitsas of DailyKos. "Not the prepackaged, consultant-muzzled Al Gore, but the actual, this-is-what-Al-Gore-who-doesn't-give-a-shit-about-winning-elections looks like." In national polls, Gore's favorability numbers now rank above Hillary's."