Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Voters Throw Out Rhea County Bigots

File this one under: Yes, Virginia, on some days there is justice for bigots in Tennessee.

Remember the wingnuts who made international news when they tried to outlaw gays in Rhea County, Tennessee?

Well, five of the bigots lost their bid for re-election. Now if only we could ban bigots from the state.

Pam over at Pam's House Blend has the details.

Here's a snippet:

In the rural county of Rhea in Tennessee, voters decided that a change was needed on its board of commissioners and dumped five commissioners who wanted to, among other things, ban homosexuality in a misguided, bone headed vote in 2004. Basically they asked state legislature to introduce a bill to not only criminalize "gay sex" but to allow the filing of charges for any homo who resides, visits or enters the county.

And don't forget to VOTE NO ON 1

Thanks Callie!