Friday, August 25, 2006

Morning After Pill Finally Okayed

So, finally the FDA approved over the counter access to Plan B.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Editorial Board:

In approving pharmacists' sales of emergency contraception, non-prescription, the FDA has finally taken a big step to prevent pregnancies, protect health and reduce abortions.

The new policy will allow sale of the Plan B morning-after pill to women 18 and older without a prescription. The agency had to be dragged into science and good public policy.

President Bush's political advisers and a succession of ranking Food and Drug Administration officials repeatedly blocked, sidelined or delayed proposals that had received thorough scientific review. U.S. Sens. Patty Murray of Washington and Hillary Clinton played key roles in forcing action, by holding approval of an FDA commissioner nominee.

Even the new decision included a compromise based on ideology. Girls 17 and younger will need a doctor's approval for emergency contraception. Elaine Rose, executive director of Planned Parenthood's affiliates in Washington state, said, "Once again, there is no scientific basis, just as there has been no scientific basis for the foot-dragging" over more than three years.

The Morning-After Pill Conspiracy says the battle ain't over yet!

Conservatives are not happy. In response to the news, the Family Research Council says it is "reviewing legal options." The Concerned Women of America aren't happy either. Too bad!!