Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bush Screws Veterans

Georgia10 at dkos has an informative post on the shoddy treatment of veterans and the troops by King George and his band of heartless Republicans.

Only the walking dead will be surprised to hear that Bush's 2007 budget includes draconian cuts to the health care coverage of veterans.

Bush's plan would eventually cause some 600,000 retirees to be dropped from the military's healthcare program. Bush's budget also makes across-the-board premium increases to TRICARE [the military's healthcare program] retirees under the age of 65. Veterans will see an increase of 41% for single or family coverage within two years; senior enlisted and officer retirees will see increases of up to 204%. By 2009, healthcare premiums for our veterans will TRIPLE. (See PDF of TRICARE fee increases here).

Can our veterans afford it? Bush's budget also gives the military the smallest pay increase since 1994--a paltry 2.2%. The CEO President is clearly applying a Wal-Martesque framework to our national defense: rip off the ones doing the work because all that matters is that bottom line, right? That big, fat, bottom line.

The only silver lining in a budget like this is that Bushie's approval ratings should fall even lower. Gallup reports that the pResident's approval rating remains stuck in the low 40s, where it has been since November, 2005. (via Political Wire)

Currently, only 42 percent of Americans approve of the Bushie job performance. When it comes to the Bush health care policy (don't get sick), 27 percent approve. Possibly many of the Bush faithful are the relatives of Britney Spears.

Also, see: Bush Screws College Students