It's a great resource, a way to quickly see what feminsts around the blogosphere are saying about Alito. (She was kind enough to include your's truly in the round-up.) Also, she has a number of her own well-documented posts, including one that asks: Does a "failed president" have any business trying to radicalize the Supreme Court?
The Heretik has another great post, with feminist links [blush], titled: Little Lefty's Children's Stories for Women:
The bush that was burning down, burning down the house of white instead did instead insist: All your uteri are belong to us.
And the tribe of Uteri from near and far Vaginastan did rise up as one (but each distinct and beautiful, each in her own way) and said to the dick that was a burning bush: No. No, our uteri is belong to we. And the less polite of the Uteri, the ones more uppity than most may have added something like: Shut the f*ck up. Such is the stuff of legend.
"All your uteri are belong to us" - can we get that on a billboard?
To add to what Media Girl has gathered, here are a few more thoughts - on the second best nominee - plucked from the ever-thriving feminist blogosphere:
Ampersand at Alas, a blog says, "..[T]he 'husband notification' laws .. really do treat husbands like fathers - and wives like children."
Pseudo-Adrienne says, some bloggers have given ScAlito a new nickname: "Strip Search Sammy," heh.
Ol Cranky says, "Scalito's the nominee, to appease the christotheocrats."
Ann at Feministing says, Alito "should make every woman in America shudder."
Sappho says, "Bush Appoints Caveman for Supreme Court!"
Bitch Ph.D says, Alito is "An Undue Burden On Us."
Finally, Marcia D. Greenberger - of the National Women’s Law Center - says, Alito is a man who "meets the far right’s ideological litmus test.”
ScAlito, we do not like thee. Sorry, dude.
Supreme Court Alito Scalito Bush Feminism Reproductive Rights Patriarchy Politics Regulating Women Abortion Roe v. Wade Radical Right