Friday, October 28, 2005

Cheney's Brain Indicted, Resigns

Vice President Dick Cheney's top man, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby has been indicted for obstruction of justice, perjury, and making false statements. Since many consider Cheney to be the real president, this White House is in big trouble. [The Indictment]

MSNBC is reporting that Libby could get up to ten years for the 5-count indictment. They reported wrong; it's up to 30 years and a $1.25 million fine.

Raw Story reports that Libby's expected replacement - David Addington - "was a principal author of the White House memo justifying the torture of terrorism suspects. He also strongly endorsed holding suspects without access to the legal system, a measure rebuked by the Supreme Court."

Raw Story: Libby Indicted - More Indictments May Follow

Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby has been indicted for five counts by the federal grand jury investigating the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame for perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements to the grand jury. . . Libby resigned. According to the New York Daily News, his post will be filled by Cheney's chief counsel David Addington.

Others may yet be indicted, lawyers close to the investigation say. While the media spotlight has focused on key White House advisors, officials outside the senior staff have also been fingered in the probe.

Sources close to the investigation say the probe will continue, and could expand to include other elements, including forged documents that purported to show Iraq had sought uranium from Niger.

Fitzgerald will hold a press conference in a very few minutes.

UPDATE: Fitzgerald confirmed that the investigation is "not over." The prosecutor said he will keep the grand "jury open to consider other matters."