The DINO Governor is a godsend to Republicans in this state. A recent poll found that Bredesen is far more popular with Republicans than Democrats.
But will they be there for him when they have a chance to vote for a real Republican in 2006?
If the Democratic Party in this state had a clue they'd find another candidate. Else we are going to be stuck with a Republican Governor. But we already have one. Bredesen is just not honest enough to admit it.
From the Associated Press:
NASHVILLE, TN Aug. 25- Union support for Governor Bredesen may be waning. State labor leaders are unhappy with his TennCare reforms and his push to cut workers' compensation benefits a year ago.
Jim Bass, president of the Knoxville-Oak Ridge Area Central Labor Council, supported Bredesen in 2002 but doesn't plan to next year. No major candidate has emerged to oppose the Democratic governor yet.
However Republican lawmakers Beth Harwell of Nashville and Senate Majority Leader Ron Ramsey of Blountville are considering candidacies.
Democrats Politics election 2006 Bredesen Tennessee DINO