Sunday, July 31, 2005

Laughing Behind John Bolton's Back

``John Bolton is a person who, in his personal relationship with government employees, has been abominable, mean, unreasonable and bizarre.'' --Harry Reid, Senate Democratic leader

Obviously, the man is well qualified to be appointed to high office by Bush. Bolton's resume is enhanced yet further by the fact that he was recently caught lying to Congress.

That's good enough for Bush:

"Bush is expected to bypass the Senate and give Bolton a ``recess appointment'' as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations as early as Monday. Bolton would be able to serve until January 2007, when a new Congress is sworn in."

Just in case the world, or the United Nations, did not already despise us, Bush is always on the job. The folks at the U.N. may have to put up with Bully Bolton, but you know they'll be laughing behind his back.

Poor John Bolton couldn't get confirmed by a Republican Senate. (heh, heh)
