Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tennessean Gets It Wrong: State Saves Money By Not Arresting Protesters

The Governor continues his effort to demonize all who oppose his draconian health care cuts. His latest effort: The protesters are costing the state money.

A story in today's "liberal" Tennessean focuses on the money spent in "security costs" for the TennCare protest:

TennCare sit-in costs state $2,000 a day, official says

"About $20,000 has been spent in security costs for the group of TennCare enrollees and advocates who have staged a sit-in at the governor's Capitol Hill office to protest cuts to the program, Tennessee Highway Patrol officials said yesterday."

Not a word is said about the cost of arresting the sick and disabled protesters and their advocates. Why didn't the reporter broach the subject of the greater expense of arresting the protesters and taking them through the court system?

Probably because the story is nothing more than a press release straight from the Governor's office.

Gee, thanks, "liberal" Tennessean.

The Governor's Health Care Axe will cost an untold number of lost lives. But the "Democratic" Governor prefers to save money and spend lives.

TennCare enrollees and advocates have occupied the state Capitol for 11 days now. They say they will not leave until the Governor stops sending out his health care termination letters and agrees to come back to the negotiating table. They insist the Governor must hold public meetings aimed at solving the state's health care problems with something other than the Governor's TennCare Axe - which promises to cut hundreds of thousands of sick, elderly, disabled and poor people from the state health care program.

The Governor has a preference for 'closed door' meetings.

On the first day of the sit-in protesters were told they would be arrested if they did not leave by the time the building closed. Understandably, the powers-that-be thought better of arresting the sick and disabled protesters.

Governor Bredesen will be up for re-election in 2006.