Monday, March 07, 2005

Stop the Anti-Gay Agenda Protest #2 Tonight in Nashville

Place: Downtown @ the Capitol
Charlotte Avenue facing the Capitol
Time: 4:30-6:30pm

We've had conflicting reports about when the House will cast the final vote on the anti gay marriage bill. It appears that the vote may happen this Thursday instead of tonight. Some have argued that we should postpone tonight's demonstration in order to gain "maximum media coverage."

In my view, we should have been on the streets a long time ago. There are more reasons than "maximum media coverage" to demonstrate. The idea behind demoralization and stigmatization is to keep people quiet, or in the closet, if you will.

If a few brave souls (and I mean straight and gay) speak up first, others will follow. It felt really good last Wednesday. Simply by being there, we empowered each other. We need more empowerment, not less.

In my humble opinion, there's a lot more at stake here than the passage of their damn bills. Regardless of whether all or none of the bills pass, the damage has been done.

The General Assembly has promoted prejudice and intolerance throughout the entire state. People who were already afraid to own up to who they are in the workplace or in their families are now more afraid.

Somebody has to go out on the street and say that's not okay. We need to do this for ourselves and for all those who have been silenced.

Hope to see you all tonight - 4:30-6:30 at the Capitol.