Friday, February 25, 2005

Women to Bush: Please Send Our Chastity Belts!!

Go over to Give Us Real Choices and sign up to send your chastity belt order in to the shrub.

Dear President Bush,

I am writing today as a supporter of NARAL Pro-Choice America to order a chastity belt.

You might wonder why I am asking you for a chastity belt. Well, in your latest budget proposal to Congress, you ask for more funding for abstinence-only until marriage programs but do not provide any more funding for the Federal Family Planning Program.

I wish you would work with Congress to support other safe and effective reproductive health choices like: comprehensive sexuality education, access to emergency contraception, and equitable insurance coverage for contraception.

Until you give us real choices, please rush me the only thing that you seem to want to provide to protect my reproductive health: a chastity belt. My address appears below.
